“timeless video: vacant” blu-ray/60sec(loop)/sound
“timeless video: 1/100*100” blu-ray/9min/sound
“in the twinkling of an eye” blu-ray/110sec(loop)/sound
“connecting moments” blu-ray/120sec(loop)/sound
“FREE DVD FOR FREE” blu-ray/6min/sound
“1/30 Moment of Death” DVD/14min/sound
“Concrete Sight” (Video Installtion)
“the figure in the future” DV/11min/sound
“the figure in the future -landscape-” DV/5min/sound
“Video of Maldoror” DV/total69min/sound
“CUT” :7min44sec
“SHOT” :10min47sec
“PAUSE” :5min55sec
“TIME” :13min37sec
“MEDIA” :18min40sec
“Lost-Look-Back”(Video Installation)
“It's not Important” DV/45min/sound
“Waiting for looking for...” DV/12min/sound
“N am Ju-Ne” DV/10min/sound
“No Concent” DV/13min/sound
“corrective feedback” (collaboration with Akiko Nakamura) DV/13min/sound
“Re-Representation” DV/60min/sound
“About the vacuum and the mesh” DV/11min/sound
“organized dissociation” DV/9min/sound
“ON/NO” DV/6min/sound
“4 times” DV/5min/sound
“between the images” DV10min/sound
“unique” DV/8min/sound
“now and here” DV/6min/sound
“Deko - Boko” DV/30min/sound
“Sukima no HInata” DV/11min/sound
“H and S” DV/11min/sound
“Sight Seeing Music” DV/14min/sound
“O-Kinawea” /Video Installation
“time in the room” DV/10min/sound
『ぼくらはヴィジュアルで思考する シームレス・メディアの時代とvideo art(見ることの技術/芸術』 /現代企画室(共著)